Investing With Ellevest
Understanding and managing your Ellevest investment accounts, including retirement.
About Ellevest's Online Investing Service
- My Employer’s Compliance department needs information from Ellevest
- Can I close my investment account, but keep my plan active?
- What is Ellevest's investment strategy?
- How is Ellevest different from other digital investment advisors?
- What is goal-based investing?
- Why does gender matter?
Navigating Your Online Investment Accounts
- Why is my Ellevest account not performing as well as other accounts?
- How do I make changes to my goals?
- What does it mean when my Ellevest account says “funds bought for” or “funds sold for” a goal?
- What's the difference between a taxable investment account and a retirement account?
- Why does my investing account say “funding in progress”?
- What is my Folio login information?
Investing for Retirement
- How can I invest for retirement with Ellevest?
- Can I do a back door Roth or an IRA conversion?
- How do you factor in inflation and social security into my Retirement goal?
- What factors go into my Retirement goal?
- How do you determine my retirement projection?
- How do I know what type of retirement account I have?