Updating Your legal name
In order to update your name, we’ll need you to upload the following documentation here:
- A copy of your U.S. issued government ID
- A court document indicating the name update. This can be a marriage certificate listing the previous and updated name, a divorce decree indicating the change in name, or other court-issued decree showing the change in name.
Please contact the Client Support team to let us know this has been uploaded, and we'll help with next steps!
Updating your email address
You can update your email address by navigating to the user dropdown on the web, and clicking on Settings > Login & Security. On our mobile app you can select User > Login & Security and then click on the pencil next to your email address.
Once you've changed your email address, you will receive an email asking to confirm the update.
Updating your password
You can update your password from a desktop or laptop by navigating to the dropdown on the top right of your screen, and then selecting Settings> Login & Security. On our mobile app, select the User> Login & security. Hit the pencil next to ‘Password’ to edit.
Updating your mailing address
You can update your mailing address by navigating to the user dropdown on the web, and clicking on Settings > Personal Info. Note: We currently do not have capabilities on our mobile app for updating your mailing address.
Updating your phone number
For security purposes, we’ll need you to contact the Client Support team to update this.
Updating your salary
You can update your salary by navigating to the user dropdown on the web, and clicking on Settings > Financial Profile. Note: We currently do not have capabilities on our mobile app for updating your salary.
Updating your billing credit card
You can update your billing credit card by navigating to the user dropdown on the web, and clicking on Benefits & Blling.
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