Your security is our primary concern, so we take every measure to verify that you are you! So if we ask you for a copy of a current bank statement, don’t worry. We’re just making sure we’re setting up an account for the right person.
Here’s what to know about uploading your statement to verify your linked bank account:
If you are asked to verify the name on the bank account you linked with Ellevest, we’ll need you to upload a PDF copy of a bank statement from the last 60 days to confirm that it’s your account.
To ensure your review isn’t delayed, make sure that the statement you upload matches our requirements:
- PDF copy
- Statement is from within the last 60 days
- Address must match what you used to sign up with Ellevest
Heads up: We won’t be able to use screenshots or pictures of the statement or statements with an address that doesn’t match your Ellevest account. In those cases, we’d need to reach out for supporting documentation.
Still have questions? Please reach out to our Client Support team.
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